Tennis Reading
1) The Inner Game of Tennis by Tim Gallwey: Getting focused and maintaining concentration are major topics in this book which explores the mental aspects of improving your tennis.

2) Beyond Big Shots by Greg Moran: This book is also mainly about the mental game but includes more discussion of strategy. It emphasizes the importance of consistency.

3) Think to Win by Allen Fox: Heavily focused on the details of strategy and technique, this book differs from the mental-side approach of the other two books and especially from Gallwey's book, which could have been titled "To Win, Don't Think."

4) The Best Tennis of Your Life by Jeff Greenwald. Subtitled "50 Mental Strategies for Fearless Performance," this book has 50 chapters, each 2 or 3 pages, with headings like: Ignore Your Inner Critic, Focus Your Attention on What Matters, and Create Your Ideal Intensity Level. Read a couple chapters before a match to get in the right frame of mind.

5) Master Your Tennis Game by Ken Dehart. Subtitled "50 Mental Strategies and Tactics," this book is similar to the one by Greenwald above except it is somewhat more focused on doubles. Some interesting chapter titles include: Rituals for Subconscious Performance, Psyching out Opponents, and Psyching Yourself Out.